Greetings! My name is Lucas, but you can call me by my nickname "Vini".
I study Game Development in college and I aim to become a videogames' scriptwriter and documenter someday. I am based in Brazil and, at the moment, all of my game projects are in portuguese, but in the future I hope to create games in other languages as well.
I am a member and co-founder of Moon Gliders, an indie game developer company focused on projects that deal with the fantasy and reality dimensions and bring their interconnection. With this team, I created four games for college projects, and three of them are available here on my page.
In the projects you'll find here, I worked in different areas:
* College Projects *
PATH OF CURE - I was the scriptwriter and documenter of this project. It's my first college project, developed in the second half of 2020.
AKAITO - I was the programmer, level designer and documenter of this project. It's my second college project, developed in the first half of 2021.
PATAS SEM RUMO - I was the documenter and UI & HUD artist of this project. It's my fourth college project, developed in the first half of 2022.
PETZ RUN - I was the UI & HUD artist. For the activity, my group needed to develop an advergame, so we based our project in a Brazilian pet shop network and created this cute infinity run game centered on the Halloween theme and in which the main character is a cat.
ARREBOL - I am the scriptwriter, documenter and UI & HUD artist of this project. It's my fifth college project and it's in development at the moment. I cherish this project deeply and am truly enamoured with it, especially because I could dive into the storytelling pratice while I made researches for the story and wrote the game script.
* Game Jams *
FURRY GUARDIAN - I was the UI artist. It's my first game jam project and also my first project working as an artist.
GALAXY KITCHEN - I was the sound designer.
STAR RISE - I was the UI & HUD artist.
UNVEILING VOID - I was the UI artist and one of the sound designers.
PUMP DUTY - I am currently working on this project alongside my teammates from the Sudden Rebirth Studios. I am the scripwriter, narrative designer and documenter. This project is challenging because it is the first time I am writing a comedy story, but I am enjoying this change of perspective.
If you want to know a little bit of my work, feel free to play any of these games! See you!